Collective Worship
Collective worship at St Silas CE Primary School is built around the premise of ‘open doors and warm fires’. By this, we mean that everyone should feel included and able to join in at a level which is safe and comfortable for them and that everyone should be able to connect with acts of worship in a meaningful way. We acknowledge that this demands sensitivity and respect, and we have worked closely with pupils, staff, parents/carers and Local Academy Council members to ensure that collective worship at St Silas CE Primary School is inclusive, invitational and inspiring.
We offer different forms of collective worship, all of which are of a distinctly Christian nature, and all of which sensitively take the context of our school community into consideration. Children participate in a weekly collective worship led by the headteacher as well as a weekly collective worship led by an outreach worker from the local church. We also come together for a weekly singing worship as well as a weekly class worship. On Fridays, we join together for a weekly celebration worship, where we celebrate each other’s successes and achievements as well as giving thanks for all the opportunities we have been given to live life in all its fullness.
See our collective worship policy below.