We have high expectations in terms of school uniform. We believe that children should take pride in their appearance, and we want them to understand that they way they look can help to create a good impression.
We expect children to come to school suitably dressed in the correct uniform (including correct footwear and a school tie) every day, and we expect our parents/carers to support us with this.
- Shirts, polo shirts, trousers, skirts and dresses can all be purchased from supermarkets.
- Shirts/polo shirts should be white.
- Trousers, skirts and dresses should be black or grey.
- Blue checked summer dresses may be worn in the summer term.
- Socks/tights should be dark-coloured and plain.
- Please see the guidance on footwear. Shoes/trainers must be all black.
- Blue school jumpers can be purchased from the school office.
- Blazers (for children in Y5 and Y6) can be purchased from the school office.
- Head scarves should be blue (these can be purchased from the school office).
- School ties should be worn (children in Y1 - Y6).
- Children should also bring their book bag to school every day.
- We ask parents/carers to purchase a school PE kit for their child from the school office. This should be worn on any day(s) that your child has a PE lesson.
- The school PE kit consists of a blue tracksuit (jacket and bottoms). This should be worn with a white polo shirt.
If children repeatedly fail to wear the correct uniform (including correct footwear and a school tie) or bring their book bag to school, we will contact parents/carers to discuss the matter.